STOCK ANNONCE : Grossiste Destockage, liquidation, Importation
Description : The Bose Lifestyle V-class home entertainment system delivers vivid surround sound that brings movies and music to life. It's designed to let you enjoy the experience more easily than ever before. Engineered with exclusive Bose Unify technology, this system uses easy-to-follow on-screen messages to guide you through the setup process. It even verifies when you've made the correct connections. Enjoy up to 6 HD video and audio sources - such as your Blu-ray Disk player, cable box and gaming system. The system also includes a built-in AM/FM tuner and dock for your iPod or iPhone. Note: Our prices are Negotiable !!!! Contact: Huskey Ltd E-mail: Msn Chat: Skype: Huskey_ltd ICQ: 647838006 Contact Mobile No: +447024031116
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